Fun Facts:
1. Snail Bob is a Mollusk
2. Snail Bob's usually Green
3. ????
4. PROFIT!!!!
Snail Bob on The Peter Nelson Show
Snail Bob on The Peter Nelson Show again
Snail Bob on The Not The Peter Nelson Show
Snail Bob on Bleek Swinney's Exquisite Corpse
Snail Bob have "releasin" a third album called "Cruel Proboscis."
Influenced by such grand groups as Pink Floyd, The Residents, The Beatles, Black Sabbath, Blue Oyster Cult, TV on the Radio, and Myssouri; Snail Bob has rendered it his unstoppable destiny to bring shame upon the music world. Indeed, Snail Bob has been poisoning the waters of artopia since early 2006. After recording several albums worth of crappy material, he finally began recording "Plan Y" in mid-late 2007, eventually releasing it via CDBaby in early 2008. It was followed by "TV's Broke" (released the same year) and 2009's official BEST ALBUM EVAR: "Cruel Proboscis."
Before "Plan Y," Snail Bob recorded several albums from mid-to-late 2006 to late 2007. The first of them, simply entitled "The First" was produced and semi-released in early (I think) 2007, via, and with Snail Bob as "Jignarania Orchestra: First Form: J.T.S." After that came (sort of) "The Crazy Album," a track from which ("Cutty Kat II") was later used on "Plan Y." After a brief hiatus, Snail Bob recorded "Satan, Nick, Jesus," and almost immediately became ashamed of it (he apparently forgot the name until finding the CD again on Friday, December 30th, 2009). After that, he began "working" on "Plan Y."
"Heap of Death Toads", "Black Sabbitch", "Neurotic Indigestion", "Bile of Christ"